Spokane City Council’s focus on climate change ignores real issues

I’m surprised that the Spokesman Review allowed a correspondent to write this. She lays out the truth about AGW. I hope the S-R readers take the time to digest this. 

The summary for Ordinance No. C35519 says it “will acknowledge the fact of anthropogenic climate change.” Except human-caused climate change is not a fact, it’s a theory. A scientific theory offers a systematic explanation for facts. Observable and measured data are facts.

The council resolution is referring to the more widely held urban greenhouse gas theory. Pointing out places where the theory doesn’t account for the facts gets you called a denier.

Author and science-trained skeptic Dr. Michael Crichton undertook his own study of the evidence, first published in “State of Fear” in 2004. He concluded the science had been twisted to fit rather than inform the policy narrative.

At this point, popular culture jumps up and waves its arms, yelling “but, but, there’s consensus!” Crichton responded bluntly in a speech given at the California Institute of Technology. “Consensus is the business of politics. … In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science …. Consensus is only invoked where the science is not solid enough.”

If you ever hear scientists talk about “consensus” they have immediately discredited themselves. You don’t build a case for scientific models based on consensus. It’s based on measurements, modeling, and predictability. Curiously, every single climate model has incorrectly predicted climate change; and the bias is to significantly overstate the warming. Normally reality lies somewhere between the models. The current climate models demonstrate that they are biased towards proving a warming that is not currently happening (we’ve had 20+ years of zero warming, which cannot be predicted by any of the current models).

Joel Salatin, a hero of the sustainable agriculture and slow food crowd, was recently slammed by a blog labeling him a classic climate change denier for not being on board with the fact of anthropogenic climate change. Or as Salatin put it in his rebuttal, because he didn’t “join the shrieking sky is falling because of human activity camp.”

He pointed out scientists have been wrong as often as right, and that orthodox science always has “included a minority view of heretics who were eventually exonerated in the process of time.” He counsels patience and resilience. He also points out that if the camp on full alert over humans causing climate change were really serious about impact, they’d be pressing for sacrificial cultural change and not mere tweaks. Cancel the youth soccer leagues and get those families outside converting their lawns into vegetable gardens.

Harold Ambler, a journalist and self-identified liberal, readily repeated the mainstream narrative until he ran across the work of an obscure solar physicist in 2008. He started asking questions that resulted in the publication of “Don’t Sell Your Coat: Surprising Truths About Climate Change.” He’s a proponent of non-anthropogenic theories of climate change, which points back to adaptability rather than prevention as the appropriate response.
