Father Who Raped His 11-Year-Old Daughter, Took Her for Abortion, Avoids Prison

For the liberals, nothing is more important than getting the abortion done. Not rape. Not incest. Just the murder of the unborn. Wickedness all around.


A father of an 11-year-old girl in West Virginia who was arrested and ultimately indicted after arranging for an abortion following a case of pregnancy following incestwill avoid prison. West Virginia State Police say they consented to the abortion and the abortion clinic in question didn’t report the abortion to authorities.

Michael and Amanda Adkins were arrested on charges of child neglect causing the risk of injury. While some licensed medical professionals were involved in getting information to authorities,WSAZ-TV indicatesthe abortion clinic in Charleston that did an abortion did not report the clear case of statutory rape.

The indictment chargedMichael Joe Adkins with incest, first-degree sexual assault and sexual abuse by a parent for alleged intercourse with his daughter, which impregnated the girl as the sexual activity continued after she became 12. He and the girl’s stepmother, Amanda Rea Adkins, also faced counts of child neglect creating risk of injury and conspiracy as part of an abortion and subsequent procedure aimed at covering up the alleged incest.

The sexual assaults on the girl took place between October 2010 and February 2011 and then took the girl for an abortion after the incest impregnated her on March 1. They then subsequently got her a D&C on March 16.

But a news report today indicates Adkins has merely been placed on probation.

WSAZ indicates the abortion clinic in Charleston that did an abortion did not report the clear case of statutory rape.

The pro-life movement has repeatedly documented how abortion facilities fail to report cases of statutory rape and predators using abortions to cover up their crimes.

Via LifeNews
