Dem Rep. Conyers Announces His Retirement

NewImageWhat could possibly have precipitated this? </sarcasm>

Embattled Democrat Congressman John Conyers is retiring after several women accused him of sexual misconduct.

The Michigan representative announced he will not finish out the rest of his term, and will not seek reelection in 2018.

Conyers then endorsed his son John Conyers III to replace him despite his son making no plans to run for Congress

However, his great nephew Ian Conyers did announce plans to run for the seat.

The news comes after another woman accused Conyers of groping her while she was working as a congressional staffer.

“My legacy can’t be compromised or diminished in any way by what we’re going through…this too shall pass, and I want you to know that my legacy will continue through my children,” Conyers stated.

The 88-year-old leaves his seat as the longest serving House member.

